Great Egret fishing in the Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida during Spring migration.

Two flamingos eating in tandem.

Loon - Little Clear Pond. The reflection from the trees on the shore provides a perfect background and helps show off the subtle colors of this iconic bird.

This egret was among scores of birds feeding in the wetlands while dozens of alligators waited for one to come a little too close.

Two Monarch Butterflies. I saw these two on some flowers at the edge of the woods on my way to Indian Lake.

Flamingo stretching it's wings.

Bison - Tetons National Park, Jackson Wyoming.

Great Blue Heron with a fish that's not too happy about being his breakfast. Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Bald Eagle in flight. I followed this eagle for about an hour. Finally some ravens chased him from his perch and he flew right over top of me.

Royal Tern. Sunrise on Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Hawk with freshly caught field mouse. Teton National Park - Jackson, Wyoming.

Great Blue Heron in profile. Sunrise on Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Ibis feeding in the surf. Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Momma Loon and her adolescent. I watched her for an hour as she tried to teach him to fish. After several lessons she flew away and left him to figure it out himself.

Monarch butterfly - Adirondack Park.

Osprey landing on a perch with the last half of a freshly caught fish. Ausable Point - Adirondack Park.

Barred Owl diving for dinner. He missed.

Timber Rattlesnake. Adirondack Park. I almost sat on him as I was setting up my tripod for a landscape shot. I appreciated his warning rattle.

Monarch Butterfly minutes after emerging from a chrysalis.

Royal Tern couple - Anna Maria Island, Florida.

Ruffed Grouse outside my window.

Sharp-shinned hawk waiting near the bird feeders.

I was looking for Monarch chrysalises and was being eaten by mosquitos when I saw this guy's web. So I started throwing mosquitos into his web. He seems to be waiting for another mosquito.

Alligator making a territorial display - Orlando Wetlands Park - Florida. When I first heard him growl I thought it was a Harley.

Cattle Egret in flight. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Red Fox. Adirondack Park.

Great Egret in flight. Ausable Point, Adirondack Park.

Great Egret fishing. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Marmot. Hurricane Ridge - Olympic National Park, Washington.

Mottled Duck - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Cattle Egret perched on a foggy morning. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Red Shouldered Hawk - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Rose Breasted Grosbeak - outside my window near the Adirondack Park boundary.

Wood Stork - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.

Two tricolored Heron's battling over a perch. Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina.

Barred Owl.

Aligator in the Orlando Wetlands Park. Normally they run away but during mating season they are much less shy.

Aligator in the Orlando Wetlands Park.

Female common merganser taking off by first running across the water before getting airborne.

Egret fishing in the Orlando Wetlands park during spring migration.

Snowy Egret in flight in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.

These two snowy egrets look like they're dancing as they look for fish.

Two Great Egrets challenging each other in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.

Young fawn in our backyard near the bird feeders.

Great Blue Heron flying through the cypress swamps in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.

A Tricolored Heron strikes at a fish in the Orlando Wetlands Park.

A loon flying low over a lake in the Adirondacks. The backlighting and still water create a great reflection.

The lead loon (probably a parent) looks back to check on the rest of the family.

Loons run across the water for quite a ways before getting airborne. They are much more graceful underwater.

A porcupine eating buds off a sapling.

A Roseate Spoonbill in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.

A snapping turtle gets ready to lay eggs in the sand in the Adirondacks.

A male turkey in full splendor.

A male turkey trying hard to impress the ladies but doesn't seem to be getting much attention.

A male turkey in full display mode from the side.

Two Great Egrets take flight in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.

A Wood Stork bringing twigs back to finish construction of the nest in the Orlando Wetlands Park.

Cross-legged turkey.

Loon on Poliwog Pond.

Elk in Yellowstone National Park

Elk in Yellowstone National Park

Grizzly bear lounging in Yellowstone National Park

Momma grizzly watching over her cubs in Yellowstone National Park

Momma grizzly and cub turning over rocks and logs, looking for bugs in Yellowstone National Park

Great Egret fishing in the Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida during Spring migration.
Two flamingos eating in tandem.
Loon - Little Clear Pond. The reflection from the trees on the shore provides a perfect background and helps show off the subtle colors of this iconic bird.
This egret was among scores of birds feeding in the wetlands while dozens of alligators waited for one to come a little too close.
Two Monarch Butterflies. I saw these two on some flowers at the edge of the woods on my way to Indian Lake.
Flamingo stretching it's wings.
Bison - Tetons National Park, Jackson Wyoming.
Great Blue Heron with a fish that's not too happy about being his breakfast. Anna Maria Island, Florida.
Bald Eagle in flight. I followed this eagle for about an hour. Finally some ravens chased him from his perch and he flew right over top of me.
Royal Tern. Sunrise on Anna Maria Island, Florida.
Hawk with freshly caught field mouse. Teton National Park - Jackson, Wyoming.
Great Blue Heron in profile. Sunrise on Anna Maria Island, Florida.
Ibis feeding in the surf. Anna Maria Island, Florida.
Momma Loon and her adolescent. I watched her for an hour as she tried to teach him to fish. After several lessons she flew away and left him to figure it out himself.
Monarch butterfly - Adirondack Park.
Osprey landing on a perch with the last half of a freshly caught fish. Ausable Point - Adirondack Park.
Barred Owl diving for dinner. He missed.
Timber Rattlesnake. Adirondack Park. I almost sat on him as I was setting up my tripod for a landscape shot. I appreciated his warning rattle.
Monarch Butterfly minutes after emerging from a chrysalis.
Royal Tern couple - Anna Maria Island, Florida.
Ruffed Grouse outside my window.
Sharp-shinned hawk waiting near the bird feeders.
I was looking for Monarch chrysalises and was being eaten by mosquitos when I saw this guy's web. So I started throwing mosquitos into his web. He seems to be waiting for another mosquito.
Alligator making a territorial display - Orlando Wetlands Park - Florida. When I first heard him growl I thought it was a Harley.
Cattle Egret in flight. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Red Fox. Adirondack Park.
Great Egret in flight. Ausable Point, Adirondack Park.
Great Egret fishing. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Marmot. Hurricane Ridge - Olympic National Park, Washington.
Mottled Duck - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Cattle Egret perched on a foggy morning. Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Red Shouldered Hawk - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Rose Breasted Grosbeak - outside my window near the Adirondack Park boundary.
Wood Stork - Orlando Wetlands Park, Florida.
Two tricolored Heron's battling over a perch. Palmetto Bluff, South Carolina.
Barred Owl.
Aligator in the Orlando Wetlands Park. Normally they run away but during mating season they are much less shy.
Aligator in the Orlando Wetlands Park.
Female common merganser taking off by first running across the water before getting airborne.
Egret fishing in the Orlando Wetlands park during spring migration.
Snowy Egret in flight in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.
These two snowy egrets look like they're dancing as they look for fish.
Two Great Egrets challenging each other in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.
Young fawn in our backyard near the bird feeders.
Great Blue Heron flying through the cypress swamps in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.
A Tricolored Heron strikes at a fish in the Orlando Wetlands Park.
A loon flying low over a lake in the Adirondacks. The backlighting and still water create a great reflection.
The lead loon (probably a parent) looks back to check on the rest of the family.
Loons run across the water for quite a ways before getting airborne. They are much more graceful underwater.
A porcupine eating buds off a sapling.
A Roseate Spoonbill in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.
A snapping turtle gets ready to lay eggs in the sand in the Adirondacks.
A male turkey in full splendor.
A male turkey trying hard to impress the ladies but doesn't seem to be getting much attention.
A male turkey in full display mode from the side.
Two Great Egrets take flight in the Orlando Wetlands Park during Spring migration.
A Wood Stork bringing twigs back to finish construction of the nest in the Orlando Wetlands Park.
Cross-legged turkey.
Loon on Poliwog Pond.
Elk in Yellowstone National Park
Elk in Yellowstone National Park
Grizzly bear lounging in Yellowstone National Park
Momma grizzly watching over her cubs in Yellowstone National Park
Momma grizzly and cub turning over rocks and logs, looking for bugs in Yellowstone National Park
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